
World Physiotherapy Day 2024: Understanding Low Back Pain (LBP) and the Role of Physiotherapy in its Management and Prevention

On World Physiotherapy Day 2024, we focus on one of the most common and often debilitating health issues: Low Back Pain (LBP). Recognized globally as a leading cause of disability, LBP affects millions of people across all age groups. This year’s theme, “Physiotherapy for Low Back Pain: ...

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World Physiotherapy Day 2024: Understanding Low Back Pain (LBP) and the Role of Physiotherapy in its Management and Prevention
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Raising Awareness on World Scoliosis Day at B. P. Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Limited
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World Vitiligo Day: Spreading Awareness and Hope
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30 July, 2021

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27 July, 2021

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22 July, 2021

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21 July, 2021

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17 July, 2021

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17 July, 2021

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8 July, 2021

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