
World Physiotherapy Day 2024: Understanding Low Back Pain (LBP) and the Role of Physiotherapy in its Management and Prevention

On World Physiotherapy Day 2024, we focus on one of the most common and often debilitating health issues: Low Back Pain (LBP). Recognized globally as a leading cause of disability, LBP affects millions of people across all age groups. This year’s theme, “Physiotherapy for Low Back Pain: ...

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Recent Post

World Physiotherapy Day 2024: Understanding Low Back Pain (LBP) and the Role of Physiotherapy in its Management and Prevention
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National Nutrition Week: A Week to Nourish Your Body and Mind
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World Vitiligo Day: Spreading Awareness and Hope
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Gallbladder Stone- Know More

Gallstones, a very prevalent issue has arisen in modern society as a result of lifestyle changes, the intake of junk food, and irregular eating patterns. The development of these stones usually starts...

22 July, 2022

Fatty Liver- A Silent Killer

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21 July, 2022

Know More about Osteoarthritis

  Adults frequently complain of joint pain, which is typically brought on by regular wear and tear from daily activities including walking, bending, standing, and lifting. Running and sports invo...

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Gastroenterological Problems

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Dengue Fever Awareness

Dengue is a vector-borne disease transmitted by an infected female mosquito of the Aedes aegypti species that causes high fever. These mosquitoes are different from normal mosquitoes with white bands ...

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This day is celebrated in remembrance of French biologist Louis Pasteur who gave the first dose of the first vaccine against the zoonotic disease rabies. This day holds importance in promoting awarene...

5 July, 2022

National HIV Testing Day

On June 27, 1995, the first National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) was observed. This is a day to encourage people to get tested for HIV, learn their status, and connect with care and treatment. The theme fo...

27 June, 2022

World Vitiligo Day

This day is celebrated in remembrance of Michael Jackson who suffered from vitiligo and died on 25th June, 2009 to create global awareness about vitiligo. It encourages unity among the people with vit...

25 June, 2022

World Sickle Cell Anemia Day

Sickle cell anemia is the most common inherited blood disorder which causes “sickle” shaped red blood cells in humans. These deformed b...

19 June, 2022

Menstrual Hygiene Day

Menstruation or menses is the monthly shedding of the lining of a woman’s uterus. It is also known as the menstrual period, cycle or period. The menstrual blood is...

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Know more about Dengue

Dengue is a vector-borne disease transmitted by an infected female mosquito of the Aedes aegypti species that causes high fever. These mosquitoes are different from normal mosquito with white bands pr...

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World Lupus Day 2022

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10 May, 2022

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World Thalassemia Day 2022

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World Hand Hygiene Day 2022

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