January marks Cervical Health Awareness Month, an essential time to spread awareness about cervical health, encourage preventive care, and support women in taking charge of their well-being. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer, yet it continues to affect thou...
DIPHTHERIA often spreads through the air. Fever, throat discomfort, and neck swelling are the symptoms. Breathing difficulties may develop in severe situations. It can result in heart failure and para...
29 April, 2023
The hepatitis B vaccination can guard against the disease. Hepatitis B is a liver condition that can result in a short-lived, moderate sickness or a severe, chronic condition. Short-term acute hepatit...
28 April, 2023
The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is the virus that causes chickenpox, a particularly dangerous illness. It results in a rash that resembles blisters, itching, fatigue, and fever. In the past, chickenp...
26 April, 2023
BCG TB Vaccine A vaccination for tuberculosis (TB) is called Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). In the US, this vaccination is not frequently utilised. However, in other nations where TB is widespr...
26 April, 2023
Today is designated as World Malaria Day. Every year on April 25, people throughout the world observe this day to appreciate the efforts being made to combat malaria. It is an opportunity to emphasise...
25 April, 2023
Over the years, the polio virus has left millions of children globally paralysed. A virus that dwells in the digestive system and throat is what causes polio. It is mostly transferred through coming i...
25 April, 2023
The World Federation of Haemophilia (WHF) established World Haemophilia Day, a worldwide healthcare celebration held on April 17 each year, with the goal of urging local and national policymakers to i...
14 April, 2023
Every year in April 11 th, Dr. J. Parkinson’s birthdate is celebrated as World Parkinson’s Day. On this day, efforts are made to raise general consciousness of this terrible disease as wel...
11 April, 2023
Autism is a developmental disease that usually manifests in the first three years of life and is a permanent neurological condition. Autism manifests as delays in three key areas of development: vocal...
1 April, 2023
Every year on March 30, World Bipolar Day is celebrated in honour of Dutch painter and one of the most significant figures in Western art history, Vincent van Gogh. His mental disease and inventivenes...
30 March, 2023
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is used as Basic Life Support (BLS) to maintain the patient’s circulation and breathing until enhanced life support comes. The chances of survival are higher ...
29 March, 2023
Around 7 percent of Indians suffering from mental disorders have schizophrenia, a persistent brain condition. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, difficulty thinking, and a lack of m...
28 March, 2023
In order to combat the tuberculosis epidemic, World Tuberculosis Day 2023 will be centred on the theme “Yes! We can end TB!” It will promote high-level leadership, increased funding, quick...
24 March, 2023
World Oral Health Day 2023 Theme: World Oral Health Day 2023 is observed on March 20 of the current year. World Oral Health Day 2023 is a yearly event celebrated on March 20th that is commemorat...
20 March, 2023
Let us read about our satisfied patient Mr. Sanatan Samanta and Chandramohan Samanta. They both were admitted to B.P. Poddar Hospital few months back. Both were suffering from recurrent chest pain whi...
6 February, 2023